How DoorDash Solved Performance Issues and Achieved Successful Backups with Odaseva


Slow Salesforce performance, and constantly nearing Salesforce Data limits

As a technology company that connects consumers with their favorite local businesses in more than 30 countries across the globe, DoorDash generates hundreds of thousands of new Salesforce records every day.

With these extremely Large Data Volumes, DoorDash was experiencing performance issues with a production Org and had an enormous backlog of records that needed to be archived. Dozens of competing integrations also meant the constant threat of reaching Salesforce Data usage limits and while temporary courtesy licenses from SFDC increased data limits, DoorDash sought a more permanent and effective archiving solution.

Before initiating the archiving project, DoorDash first needed to protect their Salesforce data with a backup and restore solution. DoorDash selected a Salesforce backup vendor, but quickly discovered that the vendor’s technical limitations prevented them from backing up all of DoorDash’s data. “The tool had limitations that caused it to just timeout, and not be able to backup the data,” says Jeegar Brahmakshatriya, Lead Salesforce Engineer at DoorDash.

DoorDash required a more powerful enterprise Salesforce data protection solution, one that could backup their full Salesforce Org to protect business continuity, plus archive billions of records to improve system performance.

Why Odaseva

An enterprise grade solution for Salesforce backup and archiving
DoorDash worked with Deloitte to analyze the right solution – a powerful, enterprise-grade Salesforce data platform that could:
  • Purge the backlog of cases
  • Establish an on-going archival process
  • Archive Case and case-object related data
  • Benchmark data related to their archiving throughput
  • Understand and document the technical and business constraints
  • Provide world-class customer service from Salesforce data experts

Odaseva checked all these boxes – and more. With Odaseva, DoorDash:

  • Archived 1.6 TB of files and 1 billion records within three months
  • Achieved an RTO of 24 hours with all data and metadata backed up
  • Backs up more than 17 billion records across more than 1900 objects
  • Performs full weekly backups on all objects, plus incremental backups at 4 hour and 24 hour frequencies
"We don’t have to worry about our Salesforce Org hitting data limits anymore. Performance has improved significantly since we started archiving data with Odaseva, allowing us to do more complex activities in the Org. It's also easy to access data that has been archived."


Success through results and world-class customer service

Within 3 months, Odaseva had enabled DoorDash to archive 1.6TB of files and 1 billion records. Through collaborating with the Odaseva product team, DoorDash is able to utilize Salesforce to its full potential.

Jeegar appreciates how Odaseva’s support services made it easy to implement backup and archiving with the platform. “The Expert Services team set up everything for us. It’s one of the easiest tools to learn and implement. Even for complex tasks, it was very easy to use,” says Jeegar. “And the Odaseva Support team has been really awesome – when I reach out, it’s really easy to get any help we need.”

DoorDash is now self-sufficient when it comes to monitoring ongoing archiving execution, executing backlog runs, adjusting archive data logic as the backlog is eliminated, and maintaining the archive definition within DoorDash to any objects added to their Salesforce environment.

Do these challenges sound familiar?

Odaseva can help you solve them.
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